
SEQR Process of Scoping History – Komarek Major Subdivision

Notice of Public Hearing

Town of Middlesex Planning Board

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE the Town of Middlesex Planning Board has deemed the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (“DEIS”) and Preliminary Plat for the Komarek Major Subdivision complete and adequate for public comment pursuant to 6 NYCRR 617.9 and Town Law. The Project involves the creation of four (4) lots for single family residences, construction of a private access road, major subdivision approval, site plan review, and a special use permit.

The Komarek Major Subdivision is located on the west side of East Lake Road between East Lake Road and Canandaigua Lake in the Town of Middlesex, Yates County, New York.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, pursuant to local law, the Town of Middlesex Planning Board will hold a public hearing on the DEIS, the Preliminary Plat, Site Plan and Special Use Permit review on September 21, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Offices, 1216 Main Street, Middlesex, New York 14507. Written comments will be accepted for ten (10) calendar days after the public hearing is closed, which will be October 1, 2015 if the it is closed on September 21, 2015. All written comments should be directed to Martin DeVinney, Chairman, Town of Middlesex Planning Board at the Town Offices. Related documents are available for review at the Town Offices.

Martin DeVinney, Chairman
Town of Middlesex Planning Board


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Public Hearing will be held on April 23, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town of Middlesex Town Hall, 1216 Main Street, Middlesex, New York to review a Draft Scope submitted on March 12, 2014 by Mr. Andrew Komarek for a Major 4 Lot Subdivision on his property located on East Lake Road in the Town of Middlesex in response to a Positive Declaration issued by the Planning Board as Lead Agency.  The Planning Board will conduct the scoping process in accordance with 6 NYCRR 617.8, and receive comments on the draft Scope as required pursuant to SEQRA by providing an opportunity for general public participation at the April 23, 2014 Public Hearing.  Written comments will also be accepted until April 28, 2014.  Please send all written comments to: Martin DeVinney, Chairman, Town of Middlesex Planning Board, 1216 Main St., P.O. Box 147, Middlesex, New York 14507

FINAL SCOPE – Komarek – 4 Lot Subdivision submitted by The Town of Middlesex as Lead Agency

Notice of Special Meeting

A special meeting will be held January 22, 2015 at the Town of Middlesex Town Hall at 7:00 PM. to review the following applications:

1. Komarek DEIS determination of adequacy.

2. Kairos LLC. Single Family Residence

Applications are available for review at the Code Enforcement Office.

Date of Notice: January 14, 2015
Dawn Marie E. Kane
Middlesex Code Enforcement Officer

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